Cap de traducccion

The difference betwwen interpretation and phonology

is the facilitating of oral or sing-lenguage communication,either simultaously or consecutively,betwween users of different languages.The porcess is described by the words interpreting and interpretation.

in professional parlance, interpreting denotes the facilitating of communication from one lenguage from into its equivalent,or approximate equivalent,in another language from;while interpretation denotes the actual product of this word,that is,the menssage thus rendered into appech,sing language,writing,non-manual signals.or other language from.

an interpreter is a person who converts a thought or expression in a source language into an expression with a comparable  meaning in a terget lenguage in "Real time". the intention and feeling of the message that the source _lenguage speaker is directing to target language recipients.

Traslation                                                                                                                  is the communication of the meaning of a source_lenguage text by means of an equivalent target_language text.

whereas  interpreting undoubtedly antedates writing,traslation began only after the appearance of written literature.

traslators always risk inappropriate apill_over  of sourse _language idiom and usage into the target_language traslation. on the other hand,spillovers have imported useful source-language calques and loanwords that have enriched the target languages. Indeed, tanslators have helped  substantially to shape the languages into which they have translated. 

Anatomy of vocal organs

Procesos de communication

The above information has a direct bearing on the Related Files comunicationde procceso of which illustrates the way.